01 June 2012
Raised Right.. Maybe
28 December 2011
Reclaiming Lily
This book follows the life of Dr. Chang Kai and the lives of her sister Joy/Lily and her adoptive family the Powells. The Powells although they tried their best at raising Joy, they made some mistakes and the book opens with Joy in Juvenille Detention. Kai and the Powells are both shocked and the story goes on to tell how they work to 'reclaim' her.
This story has some surprising plot twist and is very well characterized. It's also broken up well between Dr. Chang Kai's thoughts and Gloria Powells thoughts. In the beginning it can be hard to get into 1. Because of the jumping between times, and 2. Because of the general American prejudice against Dr. Chang. (Or maybe that was just me.. I don't know.)
It made me laugh, fume, and hope. I love this book!!! I really reccomend reading it.
If you want to know some more about adoption from China visit: http://www.coburnchinababy.com/4436.html and http://china.adoption.com/
09 November 2011
The Doctors Lady

08 November 2011
Three Cups
22 October 2011
::I'm making my mom review books now!::
20 October 2011
I had the special chance to sneak preview this movie about a week ago and it is worth a watch, it's funny, interesting and has some surprising plot twists as well. It is rated PG for mild language, peril, bullying and juvenile humor, so parents may want to screen it before they let their kids watch it.
Have fun in the snow, if you have snow! : )
03 September 2011
Lilies in the Moonlight by Allison Pittman
Lillies in the Moonlight, by Allison Pittman, was a book, I admit, I put of reading all summer, because
(* CONFESSION *) I judged it by it's cover. But when I finally picked it up, I read through it, in 2 days. From the very beginning, the character of Lilly drew me in, and I wanted to read of her adventures and what would happen to her. I mean, who *couldn't* be enthralled by a 1920's flapper who sells cosmetics door to door? (That was rhetorical!) And for those who find such things silly there is the character of Cullen, an ex-baseballer, scarred by war. And if you still are bored add in an elderly lady who is slowly losing her memory. And a few million dollars. And God. And hopes of redemption. In short, almost a recipe for success.
As I said before from the beginning, and in fact, all the way through to the end, the characters drew me in and I felt as if I were in the 1920's themselves. I highly reccomend reading this book, although I do not reccomend buying it, as it is not the type of book that you would be likely to read more than once. So check for it in your local library! And enjoy you time in the 1920's. You may come back with a few new words!
30 August 2011
Silly Music for the Little Ones
Heres a short list:
26 June 2011
Free DVD Rental Blockbuster Express
18 June 2011
Walgreens Brand
This post brought to you by Walgreens. All opinions are 100% mine.
This is a review of my experience with Walgreens Brand Health & Wellness Antacid Tablets (Read: Tums)
I picked up this product ( Walgreens Brand Health & Wellness Antacid Tablets) the other day as we were almost out of Antacid Tablets. I grabbed the Pepper mint flavor as it was twice the number of tablets of the berry flavor, but the same price. :) I will admit, I've never had peppermint flavored Antacid tablets, but these aren't too bad.. given that I'm definetly not a mint fan, (so much I rarely even use mint tooth-paste!) They aren't so strong I have to spit it out, but not flavorless either. The thing I really like about these Walgreens Brand Health & Wellness Antacid Tablets is that they don't taste as much like candy as other flavors of Antacid tablets do, so I don't overload on them, or eat them when I don't really need them.. which I sorta have a habit of doing on occasion. I'd give thse Walgreens Brand Health & Wellness Antacid Tablets a 5 star rating.. You can find this product, (AND MORE!) at your local Walgreens store, or visit this site: Walgreens Brand Health & Wellness Products
Another interesting thing about Walgreens is that the purchase of every Walgreens Brand Health & Wellness Product brings preventative wellness services to local communities through the Walgreens Way to Well Fund ™! In addition to the $3 million Walgreens will contribute annually to the Walgreens Way to Well Fund, Walgreens, through the Walgreens Way to Well Fund ™, will provide free preventative health tests ( as well as other health & wellness services and education of the community) some of which will be through the National Urban League Health & Wellness Tour and the program will also include vouchers redeemable in-store at Walgreens. You can learn more here: Walgreens Way to Well Fund™
Feeling like visting Walgreens now?? Yeah, well check out some giveaways that other blogs are doing by clicking the word giveaways.
I hope you've enjoyed this education about Walgreens! I know I have, be sure to check out the links and enter the giveaways!