
28 April 2011

JC Penney Biggest Sale

Heads up! JC Penney's 'Biggest Sale' is actually really good(and big). I popped by today.. and although I spent about 20 minutes waiting for a dressing room and another 15 or so in line ( the lady in front of my was buying about 30 pairs of jeans) it was definetly worth it. I came out of there with a shirt, a pair of jeans, and a skirt and I only paid 1.17. Jeans were on clearance for 2.97 and they had soo much on sale in store and they have some great coupons out too. Like this one for $10 off $25: http://f.jcpenneyem.com/i/2/95827765/welcomemain.html?
Or if you're on the JCP mailing list, you should have recieved a $10 off $10 in the mail.
Let me know what deal YOU find!!

Use for Ruelala credit

If you got the Ruelala credit I told you about before, they have a good deal today with Proflowers. $30 gift certificate for $15. Since the credit was for $20, it should be free or nearly free.
(Just in time for Mother's Day also)


20 April 2011

Awesome Book Review

Okay pause right here. First I'm pretty psyched cause I just found out I have 27 followers and almost 40 facebook fans, and Second this isn't a  Awesome Book Review, like the title says, but a review of an awesome book. And that book is 'The Charlatan's Boy' by Jonathan Rodgers. Okay. You can press play now. On with the review!

Almost as soon as I started read The Charlatan's Boy, I knew I would enjoy it! The story pretty much drew me in. It is centered on Grady a boy who knows almost nothing about himself. No age. No last name. No parents. For as long as he remembers he has traveled around in a wagon with a huckster named Floyd performing a feechie act. Feechie? Well a feechie is an ugly swamp dwelling creature that people think will kill them in their beds. Actually, they *used* to think that. Belief in feechies is dying, along with Floyd and Grady's business. If you living comes from lecturing(Floyd) about feechies, or pretending to be one (Grady) then people not believing in feechies isn't good. Not good at all!
The book follows the adventures.. or (probably better worded)escapades of Floyd and Grady, trying to earn a dishonest buck or two. My only problem with the book is the ending which seems slightly rushed. (Also if you are a parent looking for a book with good morals for your kids I wouldn't reccomend this book)
    This book is funny, witty, and very enjoyable. Something like Huckleberry Finn... but then again not like it. You'll have to read it for your self and find out. I'm looking very much forward to the sequel. I'm giving it 4.5 stars!

You can find this book on Amazon for only $12 dollars new or maybe your local library has it (Or you can ask them to get it)

That's all for now!

I recieved this book for free from Waterbrook Multonomah in exchange for writing a review. All opinions are my own.

18 April 2011

$20 for $0? I think so!

Hi guys!
Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I've been pretty busy.
Anyway, I have a  REAALLLY great deal for you. Ruelala (a 48 hour sale site) is offering new members a free $20 credit if you are referred by a friend - aka me : ).
You have to use this link to get the credit: http://www.ruelala.com/invite/efletcher28

Ruelala has some pretty good deals, and although shipping is high you should be able to find something for free or close to it! Enjoy! (Oh and use it quickly, I'm not sure how long the credits last, but just in case-I have had them run out before I get something, you don't want that to happen)

Also some quick things about the site itself. The deals start at 11:00 AM every day. If you see something you like get it, because if you wait it will most likely be gone. Sunday nights they have a gigantic sale called The Sunday Night Styleathon. Lots of good deals from many many brands!
