
18 April 2011

$20 for $0? I think so!

Hi guys!
Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I've been pretty busy.
Anyway, I have a  REAALLLY great deal for you. Ruelala (a 48 hour sale site) is offering new members a free $20 credit if you are referred by a friend - aka me : ).
You have to use this link to get the credit: http://www.ruelala.com/invite/efletcher28

Ruelala has some pretty good deals, and although shipping is high you should be able to find something for free or close to it! Enjoy! (Oh and use it quickly, I'm not sure how long the credits last, but just in case-I have had them run out before I get something, you don't want that to happen)

Also some quick things about the site itself. The deals start at 11:00 AM every day. If you see something you like get it, because if you wait it will most likely be gone. Sunday nights they have a gigantic sale called The Sunday Night Styleathon. Lots of good deals from many many brands!


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