
05 January 2011

This is a mundane and tedious post..

Ok, so, although I designed this blog with the intent of doing only freebies, deals and reviews, I am going to tweak that a little and make this a blog for teens.. well not just teens, whoever wants to read what I write, which will include Freebies but also music, and life and whatever...If you are looking for a freebie exclusive blog, I suggest thefreebieblogger.com or itsallfreeonline.com
But I hope you keep reading my blog because...well I like people reading my blog : P 

If you want to get in touch with me you can always email me at thedealteen@gmail.com with whatever it is you have to say to me and if I can do anything for you I will try to do it or if you ask a question I will try to answer as soon as I find the answer :)

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