
03 January 2011

A review of Fontspace!

You've probably noticed that I am writing in alot of dIfferent fonts... Ok so you haven't because they aren't installed on my blog, but if you could see how this was originally written on my computer it would look pretty cool. 
Anyway this is because I just downloaded all sorts of fonts onto my computer from fontspace.com. There you can find anything from flowing,cursive prints, to prints from your favorite movies and TV shows. (Such as Buffy the Vampire Slayer, or Lord of the Rings)  all for free! 
    Anway if you are tired of writing in only the plain fonts found on your computer fontspace is for you. Now I don't suggest you write any school papers in some crazy looking font, but for fun, notes to friends, etc. etc., the fonts from fontspace.com are perfect. If you want to use them for a logo or anything non-personal though, make sure before you download that it is commercial use friendly.
  Whatever you want to use the fonts for, fontspace.com has almost any font you could want ( and some you may not want) for free. Check them out here, http://www.fontspace.com  and start downloading some sweet new fonts today!
 Thanks for reading and if you have any comments, questions, or suggestions you can of course comment below or email me at thedealteen@gmail.com
 Have a great day and new year!

1 comment:

  1. You are right! lots of nice free fonts. I just found this 3 three fonts for my presentation! It really got me out of trouble

