Ok, due to error on my part, I am having to tweak the giveaway rules. It will be facebook fans only, but it will still happen only when the page and blog reach 25 fans/followers/members/stalkers/people/likers/... ok you get the point. But anyway, I'm sorry for changing the rules on you. If you still want to enter but don't have a facebook contact me via email thedealteen@gmail.com and I will add you to the random drawing.
Thanks! And invite your friends.
28 November 2010
22 November 2010
$3 Mp3 credit from Amazon
Yep! Thats right! A free $3 credit is available when you co here-http://www.amazon.com/gp/feature.html?ie=UTF8&ref_=amb_link_354602142_2&docId=1000634471- and enter the code GET3MP3S
Then enjoy your free music!
Thanks for reading and keep inviting your friends for the give away. As soon and the blog and facebook page reach 25 followers/likers, I will be doing a random drawing of the names on the facebook page (If you don't have a facebook account but follow this blog, feel free to send me an email-thedealteen@gmail.com- to be entered in the drawing also) Sorry for changing the rules of this contest, but I realized some people's blogger nickname isn't even close to their real name on facebook and I don't want to be unfair by giving some people extra entries.
20 November 2010
Yep you read right! If you guys can get this blog, and its facebook page(http://www.facebook.com/pages/ThedeaLteen/120624131324284) up to 25 followers/likers I will be doing a giveaway. I can't tell you what it is yet though it will be a surprise.(When this blog gets to 25 followers I will tell you) But it will be at random (As in put names of followers into hat and draw) You have to be a follower and a fan to win though.
Ready? Set! Go!!!!
- thedeaLteen
Ready? Set! Go!!!!
- thedeaLteen
18 November 2010
Woot!! I love getting freebies!!
So.. umm... This is embarrassing. I haven't posted in forever.
So has anyone starting recieving freebies yet? If you have and would like to post a picture go to our Facebook page and post a picture. Don't forget to invite your friends. (If the link won't work for you just search for ThedeaLteen and you should find it easily)
Well I came here to post because yesterday I opened my mailbox to find a full role of Scotch Blue Tape (for painters) and a $20 check from Survey Savvy (Not a member yet? Click here: https://www.surveysavvy.com?id=4158650&action=join ) Also yesterday I ordered a $25 gift card from
another survey company that I'm going to use as a gift.
How about any of you? Successes? Failures? Do you have a favorite survey company?
Thanks for reading and please invite your friends to read! Also if you have any questions, comments,
rants, or raves.. Or if you would be interested in doing a guest post feel free to contact me-
- thedeaLteen
So has anyone starting recieving freebies yet? If you have and would like to post a picture go to our Facebook page and post a picture. Don't forget to invite your friends. (If the link won't work for you just search for ThedeaLteen and you should find it easily)
Well I came here to post because yesterday I opened my mailbox to find a full role of Scotch Blue Tape (for painters) and a $20 check from Survey Savvy (Not a member yet? Click here: https://www.surveysavvy.com?id=4158650&action=join ) Also yesterday I ordered a $25 gift card from
another survey company that I'm going to use as a gift.
How about any of you? Successes? Failures? Do you have a favorite survey company?
Thanks for reading and please invite your friends to read! Also if you have any questions, comments,
rants, or raves.. Or if you would be interested in doing a guest post feel free to contact me-
- thedeaLteen