
22 November 2010

$3 Mp3 credit from Amazon

Yep! Thats right! A free $3 credit is available when you co here-http://www.amazon.com/gp/feature.html?ie=UTF8&ref_=amb_link_354602142_2&docId=1000634471- and enter the code GET3MP3S

Then enjoy your free music!

Thanks for reading and keep inviting your friends for the give away. As soon and the blog and facebook page reach 25 followers/likers, I will be doing a random drawing of the names on the facebook page (If you don't have a facebook account but follow this blog, feel free to send me an email-thedealteen@gmail.com- to be entered in the drawing also) Sorry for changing the rules of this contest, but I realized some people's blogger nickname isn't even close to their real name on facebook and I don't want to be unfair by giving some people extra entries. 


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