
24 September 2010

Great Deals/ Freebies all in one place, and one post!

Hey. Notice how it has actually been less then a week since I last posted! Thats pretty much because I found a great new site you have to try though. It's awesome! Especially with Christmas coming soon-it is you know- it has some good deals. It's called One Kings Lane. They have different sales each week of mainly home decor items, but many other things too like water bottles or other things that would probably be a good gift. Anyway, if you join from a friend you get a $15 credit you wouldn't get otherwise. Right now they have bamboo salad servers for $8 with 7.95 shipping, which brings the grand total to 95 cents.. Or if you can find some friends to join you could get other things, completely free. Then use them for yourself, gifts... Or dog toys.
You know how I said you could only get $15 credit by joining from a friend? I'm that friend. If you email me (thedealteen@gmail.com) asking to be referred I can refer you today! It gets me $15 too- so even if you don't think you'd use it please let me refer you because it doesn't do anything to you except the occasional email which you can just delete- So please just email me and ask me to refer you.. that way if you want something, someday within the next 6 months (the credits expire after 6 months) you can get it!

Ok.. I guess am ready to finish this post. Please email me with any questions, complaints, or comments at the dealteen@gmail.com. And please please shoot me an email for a referal to One Kings Lane.

 Over and Out. - thedeaLteen

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