
28 December 2011

Reclaiming Lily

Before I start this review I need to explain some stuff, although I am a native born American, I grew up in Australia and my mom grew up in Japan (and my family lived there until I was 3) Growing up many of my best friends were Asian, and my family still kinda Asian. 

This book follows the life of Dr. Chang Kai and the lives of her sister Joy/Lily and her adoptive family the Powells. The Powells although they tried their best at raising Joy, they made some mistakes and the book opens with Joy in Juvenille Detention. Kai and the Powells are both shocked and the story goes on to tell how they work to 'reclaim' her.

This story has some surprising plot twist and is very well characterized. It's also broken up well between Dr. Chang Kai's thoughts and Gloria Powells thoughts. In the beginning it can be hard to get into 1. Because of the jumping between times, and 2. Because of the general American prejudice against Dr. Chang. (Or maybe that was just me.. I don't know.) 

It made me laugh, fume, and hope. I love this book!!! I really reccomend reading it. 

If you want to know some more about adoption from China visit: http://www.coburnchinababy.com/4436.html and http://china.adoption.com/
