03 September 2011
Lilies in the Moonlight by Allison Pittman
Lillies in the Moonlight, by Allison Pittman, was a book, I admit, I put of reading all summer, because
(* CONFESSION *) I judged it by it's cover. But when I finally picked it up, I read through it, in 2 days. From the very beginning, the character of Lilly drew me in, and I wanted to read of her adventures and what would happen to her. I mean, who *couldn't* be enthralled by a 1920's flapper who sells cosmetics door to door? (That was rhetorical!) And for those who find such things silly there is the character of Cullen, an ex-baseballer, scarred by war. And if you still are bored add in an elderly lady who is slowly losing her memory. And a few million dollars. And God. And hopes of redemption. In short, almost a recipe for success.
As I said before from the beginning, and in fact, all the way through to the end, the characters drew me in and I felt as if I were in the 1920's themselves. I highly reccomend reading this book, although I do not reccomend buying it, as it is not the type of book that you would be likely to read more than once. So check for it in your local library! And enjoy you time in the 1920's. You may come back with a few new words!