
29 March 2011

Free Luna Bar

Hi everyone! Quick post for now. May blog more later. :)
But I have to tell you about this free luna bar giveaway.
But first you have to join their newsletter, if you already receive their newsletter, great! If not, I'm not positive you qualify because it says you have to have recieved the email sent yesterday... umm.. But you could sign up anyway incase they do let you. (or if they do more freebies!)

06 March 2011

Wow! Yeah.. I'm wowed.

Okay, so because I'm a blogger, I can review books for companys (Actually if you have a blog you can too), but anyway recently I received a book called The Chasm. And even if you don't like to read you should probably read it because its.. well pretty awesome.  This book follows Nick, a man travelling a road to get to...well he doesn't really know where, although there is a glowing city they call Charis ahead that may be nice to get to. With almost a Pilgrim's Progress feel (except more subtle) Nick meets people along his journey such as Joshua, who try to show Nick a different way. Finally Nick returns to the main road, but finds, between himself and Charis a gigantic chasm, with seemingly no bottom. (Oh yeah and its filled with skeletons of people who tried to cross) Yeah, there is no way to cross this thing.. From there the book is centered here, hence its name, and I'm not gonna tell you anymore or you won't want to read it, but I can assure you that its beautiful, and not something to miss.
 This is definitely a book I'm going to read again, but I should note, that it isn't perfect. It is in some places hard to understand, and in the beginning it was hard to get into. (Once I did I read it in  almost a night) And the illustrations are... well.. amateurish , although in places they do add to the story.

Besides story,though, the best part of this book is that it is only 12 chapters long and doesn't take days, weeks, months (or years) to read.

I'm saying this is a 4 star review.. which is pretty good. You can find this book on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Chasm-Journey-Edge-Life/dp/160142339X/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1299444659&sr=8-2
Or probably in your local library. I would suggest the library.. because I'm thedeaLteen and like to save money, but you of course can choose.
Thanks for reading.
And thanks to you new followers shooting us up to 24 followers!
("I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review")

So.. if the last post looked spamish

It wasn't. But you really should hurry and use that link to get a free beauty bag from Target. This looks like a totally awesome sample!