
23 December 2010

Amazon $2 MP3 credit!

HO Ho ho. Merry Christmas. I think this is Amazon's gift to you. Enter code GIVEMP3S here. 
(http://www.amazon.com/gp/feature.html ie=UTF8&ref_=tsm_1_tw_dmgivemp3s_20101223&tag=&docId=1000646811&t=dailypress-20 if you can't see the link)

Merry Christmas!

09 December 2010

Free Bracelet from Toms Shoes

Trying to do my best keeping up with this blog, but being busy I can't always post as much as I'd like.. However today I am going to tell you about a free bracelet (which is not available by clicking this link) from Toms Shoes.. And actually is available by clicking the link which says it is not available from. He He He.
.. Well to be in the spirit of Christmas. HO HO HO.
And by the way if you want to win a giftcard .. oops just let out what my giveaway was.. You have to like the facebook page.. and invite all your friends to join. Not to mention to the person who has the most friends post on the facebook page saying that _______ invited them will win a coupon for free Herbashine hair dye from Garnier.

If you wanna say something to me contact me at thedealteen@gmail.com
